Wednesday 23 March 2011

Anthony Burrill's fanzine workshop

I was a bit reluctant to join in with the workshop to start with, me and zines don't get on well.. i'm too much of a perfectionist! But then, i dove in and (in relation to my OCD-ness) ended up spending about an hour and a half making my zine... i could have been there all day but i decided to quit while i was ahead. Good thing too i expect!

Here's my negative version....

and the positive one.....

I don't think i like the hand-written page (which consists of song titles) but then again at this point i was conscious that i was 'hogging' the table and thought i'd better hurry up! So it was pretty rushed... That said i thought it went alot better than my first attempt in class last semester. I really enjoyed doing it and the opportunity for that interaction at the exhibition. The simple use of coloured paper made so much difference and the idea of starting off with loads of simple black and white shapes and just 'going with it' was really fun. I'm definately going to do it again, perhaps by using copies of colouring books as a starting point. That could be interesting....

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